Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Welcome to Adriana's Blog

Hello internet family! After about 6 months of hounding, almost abuse, from Erica, I have finally set up a blogspot.com page for lil addie. I will be learning how to post video and pics and fun lil stories for all. I would love to know who is going to actually read this besides Erica so drop me a line or comment or something. Will be back soon, i hope.


  1. Hi Janna!
    What a great idea! When Stevie was a baby, I didn't even manage to keep up with email. Now I wonder what kept me so busy - he was such an easy baby. I took millions of photos, but did nothing with them except store them in Rubbermaid Photo Keepers (still there.) Hope you manage to be a better family historian. The main thing tho' is to enjoy 'em. They're only little for awhile! (But it gets more fun all the time.) Hugs-Wanda

  2. Now that Karma , Biggie and Mimi have susbscribed, where's the beef?

  3. I want to soak up as much of the Hansen\Olivares clan as I can. She is absolutely beautiful!!! It's me Tracy C in Austin. I am much more savvy, NOT, with email but will try to keep up with this blogging notion for more pix of the cutie in the pink and frilly dress.

  4. hello jw, billy bob leroy here and i'll be checking in from cincinnati all the time. can't wait to see everyone in may. ciera is smiling ear to ear when ever we talk about seeing the 'new baby' (as well as seeing your dad, whom we refer to as Santa's brother, which kicks ciera into another gear completely).
