Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Sue, Mom, Tracy, me and Addie

The first week of May turned out to be the same pace as April.. busy. We had JB & Sue, from Mass., come for a visit. Sue and Adriana hit it off right away. She was all smiles, all day. She showed Sue how she can roll all over the bed-- and almost roll off if you don't watch it. Sue took Adriana on her first picnic and her first dip in the Medina river. We were a busy bunch. Mimi was in tow as well, of course.

This weekend our friends Dustin and Megan got married so Biggie came back into town for that, and Mother's Day, of course. I had a great 1st Mother's Day. I think I have the friendliest 6mth old around. She loves to smile at people and be held. She also LOVES her feet. Anyway, I got 1/2 a dz roses and 2 cards.. one from Addie and one from Rick. We met Mimi and Biggie and Uncle Scott at the Pipe Creek Steakhouse, that is actually pretty good, for lunch. Then Rick and I went to Nana and Popo's for dinner. Very nice day.

Adriana was dressed in one of the cutest outfits to date.. which is hard to say about my fashionista!

1 comment:

  1. Too too too outrageously cute for words!
    Happy Belated Mother's Day MAMACITA!
    Auntie Mona
